Adaptive Rejection Sampling

This module contains a python/numpy implementation of Adaptive Rejection Sampling (ARS) introduced by Gilks and Wild in 1992.

Our implementation considers both lower and upper hull as introduced in the original paper. This allows us to extract larger amounts of samples at a time in a stable way. Furthermore, we do not require the derivative of the logpdf as input to our sampler, only the logpdf itself.

Our code is a port of an original matlab code in pmtk3 by Daniel Eaton ( and compared to an open-source julia port (by Levi Boyles) of the same matlab function for testing purposes.

arspy.ars.adaptive_rejection_sampling(logpdf: callable, a: float, b: float, domain: Tuple[float, float], n_samples: int, seed=None)

Adaptive rejection sampling samples exactly (all samples are i.i.d) and efficiently from any univariate log-concave distribution. The basic idea is to successively determine an envelope of straight-line segments to construct an increasingly accurate approximation of the logarithm. It does not require any normalization of the target distribution.

logpdf: callable

Univariate function that computes \(log(f(u))\) for a given \(u\), where \(f(u)\) is proportional to the target density to sample from.

a: float

Lower starting point used to initialize the hulls. Must lie in the domain of the logpdf and it must hold: \(a < b\).

b: float

Upper starting point used to initialize the hulls. Must lie in the domain of the logpdf and it must hold: \(a < b\).

domain : Tuple[float, float]

Domain of logpdf. May be unbounded on either or both sides, in which case (float(“-inf”), float(“inf”)) would be passed. If this domain is unbounded to the left, the derivative of the logpdf for x<= a must be positive. If this domain is unbounded to the right the derivative of the logpdf for x>=b must be negative.

n_samples: int

Number of samples to draw.

seed : int, optional

Random seed to use. Defaults to None.

samples : list

A list of samples drawn from the target distribution \(f\) with the given logpdf.


Sampling from a simple gaussian, adaptive rejection sampling style. We use the logpdf of a standard gaussian and this small code snippet demonstrates that our sample approximation accurately approximates the mean:

>>> from math import isclose
>>> from numpy import log, exp, mean
>>> gaussian_logpdf = lambda x, sigma=1: log(exp(-x ** 2 / sigma))
>>> a, b = -2, 2  # a < b must hold
>>> domain = (float("-inf"), float("inf"))
>>> n_samples = 10000
>>> samples = adaptive_rejection_sampling(logpdf=gaussian_logpdf, a=a, b=b, domain=domain, n_samples=n_samples)
>>> isclose(mean(samples), 0.0, abs_tol=1e-02)