
arspy.hull.compute_hulls(S, fS, domain)

(Re-)compute upper and lower hull given the segment points S with function values fS and the domain of the logpdf.

S : np.ndarray (N, 1)

Straight-line segment points accumulated thus far.

fS : tuple

Value of the logpdf under sampling for each of the given segment points in S.

domain : Tuple[float, float]

Domain of logpdf. May be unbounded on either or both sides, in which case (float(“-inf”), float(“inf”)) would be passed. If this domain is unbounded to the left, the derivative of the logpdf for x<= a must be positive. If this domain is unbounded to the right the derivative of the logpdf for x>=b must be negative.

lower_hull: List[arspy.hull.HullNode]
upper_hull: List[arspy.hull.HullNode]
arspy.hull.sample_upper_hull(upper_hull, random_stream)

Return a single value randomly sampled from the given upper_hull.

upper_hull : List[pyars.hull.HullNode]

Upper hull to evaluate.

random_stream : numpy.random.RandomState

(Seeded) stream of random values to use during sampling.

sample : float

Single value randomly sampled from upper_hull.